E Commerce Website Project Using Asp.Net

E Commerce Website Project Using Asp.Net

In our E commerce website project ( in Asp.Net ) we have three actors (Customer, Vendor and Admin) every one used or manage the website with different way functional. And we have these pages: Vendor Registration, Login Vendor, Add/Update Category, Add/Update Product, Add Gallery, Customer Registration, Login Customer, View Product details, Search, Shopping Basket, Special Product, Recommend Product, Add Friend, Get free Mobile SMS, Admin Registration, Login Admin, Send free mobile SMS, Admin Page, Manage Admin, Manage Category, Manage Customer, Manage Vendor, Manage photo Gallery, Manage Products. We will discuss shortly the sequence for each actor in how they used the website.
E commerce webiste project in asp.net

E commerce website project forms Overview:

Admin registration page:
Firstly every actor must do registration if they haven’t account but if they have account already they login direct.admin registration operation and the same information required for customer and vendor registration.
View product details:
Customer can check all photos related to one product by photo gallery by clicking on the photo of product in view product details page that will lead the customer to photo gallery of this product.
From view product details he can add this product to shopping basket (then show in the right side information about product in shopping basket and customer can clicks to shopping information page that allows customer to manage his product by deleting or click buy), add to special products or he can send this product by email for his friend as recommend product.
Check out page:
Customer also can search for products he wants by title, description or price. This option doesn’t required customer login or registration as shown in figure 8. Then this search leads customer to page of this product he search about as shown in Report
Manage page:

After completing the registration process of vendor, admin and customer now has the capacity and the possibility of being able to manage the site and deal with it. We will discuss how the admin can manage his website which includes: manage category, manage vendor, manage customer and manage admin.
In vendor case, after login or registration vendor enters to manage page which consist of (manage, categories, manage product, manage vendor, manage customer and manage admin)
Manage Category:
In this Function we want vendor to be able to tell admin about managing categories in the website to be able to add, edit, and delete categories in the same fashion as we managed the products. Admin can add new category by insert a category name, title and category description to be easier to customer to understand all about the new categories. Also he can modify category which contains delete and edit categories.
Manage Product:
In this page, we want vendor to be able to tell admin about managing product in the website to be able to edit product in those fields (Title, Description, CategoryID, UnitPrice, VendorID, Image and TypeProduct). Of course, the category data is much simpler than the product data.
If vendor chooses to manage categories, manage If vendor chooses to manage categories, manage admin, manage vendor or manage customer he goes to page consist of all categories, admin, vendor or customer in website he can delete or edit any one of them as shown on figure 12 (manage categories as sample of manage admin, manage vendor and manage customer).

Download E Commerce Website Project Using Asp.Net Project report with sample source code and database design and screen shots.
