Online Medical Management System Project
Online Medical Management System Project
The main function of the Online Medical Management System Project in java is that it can be used by the patients to take online appointments of doctors, view their previous health records, lab reports etc. The doctors can give online appointments, e-prescriptions and view the patient’s history. This site will help you to find the blood donators and eye donators. The users can register and store their details and retrieve these details as and when required, and also to manipulate these details meaningfully.
The system design is motivated by factors like very few doctors or no doctors at remote locations, limited hour services and lack of sophisticated medical equipments and no patients’ or lab data management.Online Medical Management System Modules:
Admin:The admin will have control over the entire system. There is no registration for him but he should have username and password to login into the system to provide security. He can view everyone’s profiles associated with the hospital. He can interact with the doctors and also patients through chats, mails, discussion forums etc. In case of any medical errors like wrong medication and lab reports, the patients can register complaint.The patients’
grievances and feedback goes to admin and then he forwards them to specific doctors to answer. He takes backup of every data; view logs and generate reports according to them.
For a over view about project design watch this Youtube video.
All the doctors associated to the hospital should register. Only registered people can have access to the site. The doctors can vies and update their profiles. The entire patient’s database is accessible to them. They can give online appointments, e-prescriptions .They can view patient’s history to know their health status and suggest new medication. He can set online appointment request enable or disable. He can communicate with admin, patients and other users through mails, chat and discussion forums.
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